© Eric Roscoe 2025
Last Update February 2, 2025
Education and events are one of the most important things that we do with the goal of educating the community and the
general public about misunderstood reptiles and amphibians. With education as our top priority, we enjoy the opportunity
to provide lectures and educational presentations on a variety of topics from basic reptile care to more advanced classes in
genetics and biology. Below are descriptions of the opportunities we offer and the associated costs.
Shows and Presentations
Shows and presentations that have a main purpose of entertaining and educating the audience through interaction and
displaying of various animals. These types of events work well for small school or community assembly meetings (such as
scout groups, church groups), birthday parties, libraries, company and corporate events, and other similar types of events
of this nature.
Initial Fee 1 Group for 1 Hour $150
Additional Groups $50 per Group
Additional Time $50 per 30 minutes
Special event rates and discounts can be discussed on a case by case basis. Special pricing is available for organizations
that wish to schedule multiple shows within a year.
Fee Disclaimer: Fees are used to offset the cost of liability insurance and support as a whole. The presenter is insured.
Fees may be used in part to offset the travel expenses of the presenter(s) on a case-by-case basis.
Animal Disclaimer: Animals brought by the presenters are owned by them unless otherwise noted. Attendees are
normally welcome to touch or pet most of the animals we bring with the use of hand sanitizer while appropriately
controlled by the presenter. We do not normally allow attendees to hold or handle animals, although exceptions may be
made. We cannot make any guarantees as to the behavior or temperament of any animals while at the event. Animal
availability usually depends on what we currently have available.
Educational Tables
Educational tables are events with stationary display enclosures and educational handouts or other materials, and usually
include two or more animals for display and periodic opportunities for touching or petting on a rotating basis. Attendees
are welcome to come and go as they please, as well as ask questions and interact with our attending board members or
volunteers. These are typically one or two tables, and typically last in duration from about one hour to up to 8 hours, also
depending on the event.These stationary events work well for many different events we attend, including for community
fairs and festivals, Renaissance Festivals, nature centers, pet stores, local museums and science centers, libraries, comic
con and Anime type events, and other events. Educational tables are usually free of charge where education is the main
focus, although there may be a fee if there are greater risks or expenses to bringing live animals (i.e. outdoor events, etc.),
or if entertainment is more of a main purpose.For more information about our events, or if interesting in having us for an
event, send an email to specialtyserpents@gmail.com
$25 per animal. Good for Nature Centers, Museums, Schools, Libraries, and Other Environmental Educator with Live